Nominations and Leadership Development
Our Nominations and Leadership Development Committee met on Monday, Sept 9th and made plans for our formal nominations process for 2024. I’m really excited about the progress they are making as they develop new opportunities to get to know our congregation and develop leaders in new ways. A few brief notes for now:
We developed a survey that any church member can fill out to express an interest in serving on the Leadership Board, the Nominations Committee, or both. Download the PDF and turn it in to the church office by Monday Sept 23rd if you would like to be considered! (NOTE: this process only relates to the two committees listed above, all other ministry or small group leadership is determined separately, talk to Pastor Jeremy if you’d like to know more about how else you can get involved in leadership.)
Our Charge Conference this year will be held as a Hub Charge Conference on Saturday November 2nd at 2pm at Trinity UMC here in Beaumont. All church members are invited to come and vote on the annual business matters of the church, including ratifying the slate of nominees developed through the process above.
Be on the lookout for further opportunities to connect and get to know others outside your usual church connections. This Committee will continue to think outside the box about how we can get to know one another, discover the gifts we bring to the table, and put those gifts to use as we seek to love the city with the heart of Christ!
DOWNLOAD the nominations form here
Good Futures Cohort
At our August Leadership Board meeting, we approved a slate of church leaders to serve on the “Good Futures” team. Good Futures is a structured curriculum that our Annual Conference has identified as a vital resource for churches looking to use their facilities in new and creative ways. This video will give a 3 minute explanation of what it’s all about.
We are participating in a pilot group of churches that will go through the curriculum together over the next 9 or so months. You’ll hear more from the team as their work gets underway and many of you will be invited to participate in one way or another along the journey.
Our goal in the end is to both multiply the mission impact our facilities have in our community, and also to monetize the use of our facilities in ways that make upkeep and renovation far more sustainable in the long run. We have been blessed with an incredible gift in the Spire church - our hope is to solidify a pathway to ensuring we can sustain and even develop this facility to make an impact for another 60 years and beyond.
Team members joining me will be Renée Kloes, Elaine Wikstrom, Ethan Holder, and Gina Crenshaw.