I Can

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Have you ever wondered what you would be doing when you were 74? How about at 80? I sat down with Phyllis Mann to hear her story, and I must say, I drove home that afternoon inspired and amazed. I can’t imagine doing a triathlon at any point in my life, and I am sure most of you feel the same. Phyllis listened to her daughter Tracy talking about her experience doing the Danskin triathlon and decided right then that it was something she would like to do. Her tone brightened as she talked about these experiences and her blue eyes sparkled as she told me the story. I heard about the old green bicycle, complete with front basket, that she loaded on her car, intending to ride it on the hills in Austin. Hills and single speed bicycles don’t mix well, so a new bike with 24 gears was purchased and she had to learn how to shift. 

This triathlon consists of swimming a half-mile, biking for 12 miles, and running for 3.1 miles. One of these events alone is enough to intimidate most of us, but Phyllis did it five times, in a race environment, and completed the last one at the age of 80. She was the oldest woman to ever compete in 

this annual event and the last time she raced, she beat her old time by eight minutes, taking only 2 ½ hours to finish.

I read a book her daughter put together about these experiences and learned what an inspiration Phyllis was to everyone who witnessed her race. There were press interviews, kids giving her hi-fives, and women who were inspired to keep racing despite the number of birthdays they had experienced. I asked Phyllis to look back and think about some life lessons, things she wished a younger version of herself had known, and to share them. She told me she always did her best, there were failures and things that could have been done better, but you still need to keep doing your very best. “If you give your best, the best will come back to you, and it has for me despite my failures. Don’t miss opportunities because sometimes they only come around once, and if you don’t grab it, it could be gone forever. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the money, the resources, the talent, do it anyway. Don’t wait until you are ready, because you will never be completely ready.”

She told me how God is always there to hold us up through every circumstance and her hope for the future is based on the word of Jesus and his plans for our good. Whatever may happen, he will be there, and everything will be ok.

I thought about her advice and how optimistic Phyllis is, ready to tackle any challenge with a smile and a great attitude. If we all looked at life with the inclination of I can, instead of I can’t, what changes we could accomplish! I recently read that people looking back over their lives rarely regretted what they did, but sincerely mourned the things they always meant to do. Take a lesson from Phyllis, get on your old green bicycle, and take that path that leads to the road called I CAN.

Story and headshot by Michelle Holland

Texas Moon

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Have you ever met someone and instantly sensed their kind spirit and generous heart? Glen Moon is one of the first people to greet us each Sunday morning, and I know I always look forward to his smile, which seems to radiate from deep within. He is invariably there, a steady, welcoming presence.

I get many opportunities to share a meal while gathering these stories, and for this one, I traveled to the moon, the Texas Moon that is. I visited with Glen and Sara at their home and enjoyed a wonderful meal and stories late into the night. I have driven by the Texas Moon for years, never realizing that one day, I would get to know Glen and Sara, worship together, serve together, and share in their story.

Glen has been a police officer with the Beaumont PD for 34 years, and you can only imagine the stories he has to tell and the things he has seen. Believe me, when I say, you really can’t imagine walking a day in his shoes. Most of us go about our predictable days letting the little things stress us and test our patience. 

Officer Moon goes to work, protecting us from the worst the city has to offer, and that makes our complaints look ridiculous and petty. We may pray for patience with a coworker, and Glen prays he makes it home another night.

My favorite story was the night Glen and Sara met, which must be the most bizarre tale of loves beginning that I have ever heard. They met at a crime scene, under a tree, investigating a suicide. There were plenty of stories where the Moon’s crossed paths on the way to various crime scenes, Sara collecting evidence and Glen investigating. He has stories of action and drama that I could have listened to all night, but it was Sara who offered stories of Glen’s kindness. She spoke of the people he brought home because they didn’t have any other place to go, his thoughtfulness, his willingness to do the things Jesus taught us. Glen is the first to arrive at Kairos and the last to leave, and I always see several guests seek him out to say hello and share a hug.

As I drove home that night, a full moon lighting their country road, I thought about everything I heard and about the experiences I’ve had serving with Glen. I wondered how he was able to see people at their worst—people who try to hurt him, spit on him, call him names—and still be kind and generous. How does a person work that out? Every Sunday, we say that we will seek to love the city with the heart of Christ, and I had to ask him how he does this. He told me it’s because of his faith community, the people he surrounds himself with, his faith in Jesus, and a whole lot of praying. If our purpose is to look more like Jesus every day, I believe Glen’s story can help us learn how to do this. I know it has changed my perspective, and for that, I am grateful. 

Story and Headshot by Michelle Holland